Selasa, 09 November 2010

ketika ada rasa dihati..

Dear T27a,

setidaknya.."bicara" dr hati bikin lega..
dan gw jg ngga bermaksud apa2 terhadap kamu..
yg mau macem2.. hanya menelusuri suara hati gw..dgn mencoba "lebih" dari yg biasanya..
dgn berusaha mengenal kmu..
so i would like to say on this afternoon..
you've touch my heart..
and nothing can describe in word.. only my feeling...

one just a start..
the rest is yours..
well..thanks to share with me on that night.. and telling me the truth 'bout ur status..
i guess am just wondering to have a "midnightrun" someday with you..lady..
am not going to steal you..cause am not a thief nor a bad guy..
am just trying to steal your heart..cause I

on the other side..
i think this "friend" thing is referring to your...closest friend..
you have several man to be choose then..
sorry...just guessing..
i know u r not like that..
you are acting as normal as i know..
cool..calm...confident..but cute..
so.. u know what my feeling..
and maybe little bit 'bout me..
and a slip note of my purpose in this short period of time, in small part of your life..
i hope you .. will be just okay...with or without me.. let me show you the shape of my heart...

selamat mengejar cita-cita luhurmu!

911-@Obama’s visit-nsn8th

2 komentar:

  1. Anton, aku iseng2 lihat blogmu. dan tulisan ini bagus sekali. bikin miris2 gimana gitu. hehehehe.


  2. haha..trims Gone mau singgah. Dirimu bikin tulisan ttg Magis2011 dong..


selamat datang pencinta kehidupan !

..adalah sebuah sukacita 'tuk bisa berbagi rasa dengan anda..